My mom visited the campus for the closing exercise of a program I was in. The Dean of the school was at the awards ceremony, where I won the ‘Funniest Student’ award. I had so much fun during those days. After the ceremony, I listened in as my mom had a conversation with the Dean. She asked him, “Are there any scholarships available that Gary can apply for because we really can’t afford this.” I distinctly remember the Dean’s response, “Sorry, but he is not engineering material!”
Brokenhearted, I carried that statement with me for three years. My determination, my motivation, my focus and my goal over those three years was to prove that clown wrong! I couldn’t believe someone would say such a thing about me.
I allowed that man’s negative statement to rule my life for three years. During my junior year, it dawned on me, I don’t even like electrical engineering! Why did I waste three years of my life? I allowed someone else to write my life’s story for that time. I was emotionally battered and my grades suffered. With my senior year approaching, I made a drastic decision. I would change my major.
I found something that I was really interested in; something that really drove me. I still use those skills today. In fact, I’m using them right now as I write this entry.
I made a decision to write my own story. I remember at that moment allowing myself to be inspired by God to pursue what would offer Him glory and bring me happiness.
Wherever you are in life; whatever you are up against; whoever is against you; whatever you are going through; and wherever you are in your walk with Jesus, take a quiet moment right now and meditate on this: God, what is it that I can do right now to change the course of my life so you will be honored and I can be happy? Inspire me Jesus.
Whatever you were inspired to do, DO IT! Don’t wait. Fulfill your destiny!
Do not allow other’s negativity to write your life story for you. Do not allow yourself to be trapped in some other authors narrative. With Jesus’ inspiration, start rewriting your life story today. And make it AMAZING!
I would love to read the story of your great turnaround. Share it below so that we all can be inspired.
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